IRIS Web Service

IRIS DMC 提供了一系列网页服务,用于获取台站数据、仪器响应、走时以及波形数据等。 简而言之,其原理大概就是根据某种特定的格式要求发送网页请求,然后 IRIS 会返回相应的 信息供用户解析。

IRIS 网页服务的主页位于: ,有兴趣的可以研究一下。

Web Service Fetch Script


这是一个利用 IRIS 提供的网页服务来实现数据下载的工具,其源代码用 perl 写成, 因而几乎可以在任何平台上直接运行。整个工具包含了三个 perl 脚本:FetchDataFetchEventFetchMetadata


功能:获取时间序列文件,或/和与之相关的元数据、SAC 零极点文件、响应文件。其中时间序列文件为 miniSEED 格式, 元数据为 ASCII 格式。


FetchData: collect time series and related metadata (version 2013.198)

Usage: FetchData [options]

 -v                Increase verbosity, may be specified multiple times
 -N,--net          Network code, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -S,--sta          Station code, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -L,--loc          Location ID, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -C,--chan         Channel codes, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -Q,--qual         Quality indicator, default is best
 -s starttime      Specify start time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS.ssssss)
 -e endtime        Specify end time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS.ssssss)
 --lat min:max     Specify a minimum and/or maximum latitude range
 --lon min:max     Specify a minimum and/or maximum longitude range
 --radius lat:lon:maxradius[:minradius]
                     Specify circular region with optional minimum radius
 -l listfile       Read list of selections from file
 -b bfastfile      Read list of selections from BREQ_FAST file
 -msl length       Limit returned data to a minimum segment length
 -lso              Limit returned data to the longest segment only
 -A appname        Application/version string for identification
 -a user:pass      User and password for access to restricted data

 -o outfile        Fetch time series data and write to output file
 -sd sacpzdir      Fetch SAC P&Zs and write files to sacpzdir
 -rd respdir       Fetch RESP and write files to respdir
 -m metafile       Write basic metadata to specified file


获取 2011 年第一个小时 GSN 所有台站的 BHZ 分量的数据

$ FetchData -N _GSN -C BHZ -s 2011-01-01T00:00:00 -e 2011-01-01T01:00:00 -o GSN.mseed -m GSN.metadata

下载得到的数据为 miniSEED 格式,因而需要用 mseed2sac 进行格式转换。


  • 台网、台站等支持通配符;
  • 可以通过 --lat--lon 划定矩形区域或通过 --radius 划定圆形区域来指定台站;
  • 可以直接从特定格式的文件中读取要下载的波形信息;
  • 可以下载相关 SAC PZ 文件或/和 RESP 文件;




FetchEvent: collect event information (2013.198)

Usage: FetchEvent [options]

 -v                More verbosity, may be specified multiple times (-vv, -vvv)

 -s starttime      Limit to origins after time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS.sss)
 -e endtime        Limit to origins before time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS.sss)
 --lat min:max     Specify a minimum and/or maximum latitude range
 --lon min:max     Specify a minimum and/or maximum longitude range
 --radius lat:lon:maxradius[:minradius]
                     Specify circular region with optional minimum radius
 --depth min:max   Specify a minimum and/or maximum depth in kilometers
 --mag min:max     Specify a minimum and/or maximum magnitude
 --magtype type    Specify a magnitude type for magnitude range limits
 --cat name        Limit to origins from specific catalog (e.g. ISC, PDE, GCMT)
 --con name        Limit to origins from specific contributor (e.g. ISC, NEIC)
 --ua date         Limit to origins updated after date (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS)

 --allorigins      Return all origins, default is only primary origin per event
 --allmags         Return all magnitudes, default is only primary magnitude per event
 --orderbymag      Order results by magnitude instead of time

 --evid id         Select a specific event by DMC event ID
 --orid id         Select a specific event by DMC origin ID

 -X xmlfile        Write raw returned XML to xmlfile
 -A appname        Application/version string for identification

 -o outfile        Write event information to specified file, default: console


$ FetchEvent -s 2011-03-11 --radius 38.2:142.3:20 --mag 6


  • 这个脚本功能齐全,值得一用




FetchMetadata: collect channel metadata (2013.198)

Usage: FetchMetadata [options]

 -v                Increase verbosity, may be specified multiple times
 -N,--net          Network code, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -S,--sta          Station code, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -L,--loc          Location ID, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -C,--chan         Channel codes, list and wildcards (* and ?) accepted
 -s starttime      Specify start time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS)
 -e endtime        Specify end time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS)
 -ua date          Limit to metadata updated after date (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS)
 -X xmlfile        Write raw returned FDSN StationXML to xmlfile
 -l listfile       Read list of selections from file
 -b bfastfile      Read list of selections from BREQ_FAST file
 -sta              Print station level information, default is channel
 -resp             Request response level information, no details printed
 -A appname        Application/version string for identification

 -o outfile        Write basic metadata to specified file instead of printing


整个脚本还有一些其他功能,具体参考项目主页中的 示例

另外,如果遇到找不到 XML::SAX 模块的报错,可以通过一次安装这两个模块解决:

cpanm Fatal
cpanm XML::SAX